> Jed sez:
> > If Rossi does not want MIT to test his reactors,
> > he should never have met
> > with state officials. It was an embarrassing waste
> > of everyone's time.

I suspect Rossi would beg to differ. Seems to me that Rossi has always been
operating on "Rossi time."

> From Terry,

> I dunno.  Assuming they paid for the ticket, it was a cheap way for
> him to meet with his business buddies in NH.  :-)

His ticket wuz paid for??? Wow! Sign me up! ;-)

But more seriously, it seems more sensible for me to speculate that Rossi
was on another one of his business fishing trips - feeling out the waters so
to speak. 

Meanwhile, we all have a pretty good idea of what Rossi thinks of the
so-called importance of achieving academic/scientific credibility. A great
irony in all of this is the fact that achieving scientific credibility, for
now, could actually end up hindering his current business plans, at least in
the short term. That seems to be a potential modus operandi that might
explain his eccentric behavior, a behavior that seems to drive certain Vort
members (and the scientific community) to distraction. ;-)
Meanwhile, we all wait with baited breath to see what kind of a dog and pony
show Defkalion plans on unveiling soon... to a theatre near you. Will they
impress us, or disappoint us? We have been disappointed so many times
before. I'm sure we probably are in store for more disappointment before the
fat lady finally gets on stage to sing.

In the meantime I recommend that at least for today we all sit at the table
and pass the meat and gravy amongst each other, secure in the knowledge that
the adventure continues.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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