On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 7:39 PM, Giovanni Santostasi
<gsantost...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I didn't say he necessarily is a good scam artist... ; )
> he has tried and failed before...

For all you naive people out there, you don't walk away with
€2,000,000 of someone's money and remain a public entity . . . for

I have a relationship with detectives of a very large police
department and once asked the value of a human life.  He said that he
was aware of situations where someone died of lead poisoning for $500
cash and knew the group who did it.  They left the weapon at the
scene.  No prints.

Detective X also said, that if you want the evidence gone, ie not body
found, it would cost ten times as much.

I was curious how the evidence was "made gone", and he said that
Dempsey Dumpsters laid to rest more people than any funeral home he

That was enough and I asked no more questions.

You don't steal $2,800,000 from people that have $2.8M unless that is
all they have.  Unless you immediately disappear.  I recommend Costa

If you believe AR is scamming this amount of money, you are unaware of reality.

Now, I have an alternative idea, the only one that I can imagine.  AR
just wants to see his name on the net.  Kewl.  He spends hundreds of
thousands of dollars, hires actors, fakes a demonstration of a 1 MW
reactor and gets 5,000,000 hits on the internet.

After self gratification, what does he have left?  Well, I have seen
piccys of his wife and he is not seeking self gratification.  It is
short lived.

There is something happening here.  What it is isn't exactly clear.
But your mind should be.



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