I feel that the description of my analysis of the October 6, 2011 test as the 
work of a Rossi fan boy requires that I respond.  Mr. Cude, you should read my 
analysis before coming to such a conclusion since you seem to think of yourself 
as open minded and honest in your assessment of the Rossi devices.  We would be 
far better served if you were to devote some of your energy to seeking the 
truth instead of hiding facts and evidence.  I am convinced that you have 
talent, but that it is being misdirected at the moment and hopefully will begin 
to make a positive contribution to the discussion one day.
It was interesting to follow your disagreement with another of the more 
skeptical members of the group earlier today.  He was cowered by you for some 
reason and decided to abandon his position.  He was correct but his analysis 
was in direct opposition to your only island to stand upon in trying to prove 
Rossi is a scammer.  Of course you howled until he realized his mistake and 
dropped out of the argument.  You skeptics must stay together at all costs of 
I have always maintained that I will follow the evidence and have been faithful 
to that end.  My fan boy analysis as you say feeds fresh meat to both sides of 
the argument.  My conclusions have slowly been sharpened up with time and new 
ways of reviewing the data.  Rossi’s tests have been more like a CSI job 
instead of a simple physics experiment and I am sure you understand that.  The 
latest document that Mats Lewan refers to has a third and final section where I 
made my best effort to make sense of the space data.  Please read the total 
document before you trash it.  My conclusions are somewhat speculative because 
of the situation, but seem to fit the data fairly well.
Your ridiculous warping of the facts regarding the 1 MW test are just 
laughable.  We both agree that if the output of the ECATs is just water, then 
the power would be far less than certified by the engineer conducting the test. 
 On the other hand, the maximum power delivered could be in excess of 500 kW if 
we are to assume that everyone is honest and reporting facts.  Why should we 
assume that a well trained engineer would be so stupid as to be incapable of 
catching water?  Your explanation does not hold water any better than his 
Please read the Wikipedia article on steam locomotives to put things in some 
perspective.  I would estimate that the total area of Rossi’s 107 ECATs is 
comparable to that of boiler within one of these devices.  How do you think 
that they can function at all if most of the steam leaving has a quality of 5% 
or so as you keep repeating?  This is what you peg your argument upon and it 
does not hold water.
You have demonstrated that you are not looking at the facts, but make up 
whatever you like to argue your case.  My model of the 1 MW systems does not 
require me to do any of this maneuvering.  If a straight forward model fits all 
of the facts, why should we go out of the way to insist upon one that requires 
dishonest behavior, ignorance or just plain deception as you suggest?  Come on.
Are you convinced that the only way for the system to release 470 kW would be 
for LENR action to be taking place?  Is that your hang-up?  Where are the 
skeptics that claim that energy is stored for long enough and intense enough to 
continue to heat the output for the full 5.5 hours?  Have they all given up on 
this possibility and now leave it up to people like yourself to throw 
uncertainty at the entire test system?  Please examine your motives here and if 
your conscience is clear, keep supporting your side of the argument.  I just 
hope that you are not making your statements to be argumentative as that is a 
waste of all of our time.

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