On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 2:37 PM, Joshua Cude <joshua.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ransompw is desperate to justify his faith in Rossi, but this experiment
> is hardly the one to do it, for several reasons:<SNIP>

I understand and agree with all the reasons but the problem I see is
accounting for the water.  But how much water?  I can't really tell what
Lewan measured.  I guess I will look again for it.  An ultrasonic nebulizer
is certainly possibly but it's a bit far fetched.  However, Lewan did not
inspect under the "insulation".   So if Ransompw read it right, where did 5
liters go if not steam?

I am still not sure what experiment Ransompw was referring to.  I asked him
and got a tangential answer.  He did express an interest in joining the
email list so I gave him the link to the instructions.  Maybe he'll clarify
the issue for himself.

Not incidentally, I find the amount of insulation used on the running older
E-cats somewhat strange.  If this is a 6X output/input device with robust
heat generation in the kilowatt range as Rossi claims, is a little loss by
radiation and convection to the surroundings that big a deal and if so,
why?  I'd would have liked to see a stripper E-cat perform...  nude.  Ah
well...  Rossi won't likely use those again.

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