No it is not "more likely" - this appears to be your bogosity quotient at
work again - but it raises another issue. 


Why would anyone invent a bogus rationale unsupported by the record-
especially under the guise of Occam - except to justify the continuing
failure to do their homework in this field? This is reminiscent of Park's
refusal to even accept papers on the subject, since his mind was already
made up.


Once again, Yugo has failed to avail herself of the information available on
the LENR website.


Here is NASA's replication of Thermacore's wet cell work




From: Mary Yugo 


JB: Simple, in the context of the time period.


It is a perfect storm of coincidence leading to the biggest missed
opportunity in alternative energy.


MY: Isn't there a more likely reason that fits the Occam's Razor principle?
That they couldn't get a robust and reproducible result from the devices and
gave up because they figured that it didn't really work?  Otherwise it's
hard to believe everyone concerned was willing to give up on a working
energy source that new and that different and promising.

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