Robert Leguillon <> wrote:

He who controls the language controls the argument.

No one controls language. The French Academy wishes it did, but it does
not. This is one of the fundamentals of linguistics.

> The examples I'd provided were all to demonstrate the utility of changing
> the terminology. You will not immediately remove stigma, but can
> restructure the entire nature of the dispute.

But it did not work! The nature of the dispute has not been changed. Not
for climate change, or abortion, or gay marriage. Opposition is as strong
as it ever was.

Why do you say this has been effective, when it has not?

You are right that these changes were made in an effort to influence the
agenda. They failed. The changes did not even take. Most people still call
it "global warming." Opponents do. As I said, no one controls language. At
least, no one has controlled it up to now. Perhaps . . . Google does. (Cue
ominous music.) See:

Regarding Google's power, see "The Googling" series:

- Jed

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