According to Newtonian gravity the unwarping would happen instantaneously
(Newton of course didn't think of warping, he said "I will not make any
hypothesis about gravity's nature but only on how it works"). But the
unwarping happening in a finite time is one and the same with gravitational
waves. When a mass distribution changes, it changes the curvature of space
and time and it is this unwarping that causes the waves. It is the result
of the fabric of space-time bouncing back to its original flat default
state that causes near by deformations that want eventually spring back
causing further disturbance in space-time. The entire sequence therefore
creates a wave. This is how the information that the sun is missing is
transmitted. But any other change in the mass distribution would do the
trick. If the sun would expand or contract very fast or flatten also these
changes would cause gravitational waves. The main caveat that the changes
in mass distribution need to be spherically asymetric (this is a
consequence of the fact that there is just one gravitational charge, in
other words you have to have a changing quadrupole for GW emission, while a
dipole is enough for EM waves ).


On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 5:36 PM, Robert Leguillon <> wrote:

>  The biggest problem with the early P&F replication attempts was the lack
> of respect given to the reactants.  People trying to replicate did not
> understand that it was a surface phenomenon.  They did not understand that
> the cathode could be easily poisoned.  They did not understand that the
> surface structures mattered at a microscopic level.  They only knew that if
> one of the cathodes in a batch failed to produce excess heat, then the
> whole batch would.
> Rossi's claims are contrary to all before, though.  He is claiming
> repeatable, controlled excesses, so far above the noise level as to be
> unmistakable. So:
> Really, the early Rossi-reactor is simple enough for an amateur to
> duplicate.  It's the processing of the nickel, and the "secret sauce"
> that's the rub.  Anyone can put together his early reactors.  Sure, his new
> ones are larger and may seem more complicated, but he claimed MUCH higher
> COPs with the early ones (Up to 200x!!!).
> All a garage hobby-tech needs is the pre-sealed cylinder, with the
> properly-formed nickel, hydrogen, and catalyst pre-loaded, and the rest is
> a cake-walk.
> Wrapping a heating element, a bit of waterproofing, coolant-in,
> coolant-out.  It's easy to experiment with assorted voltages, waveforms,
> frequencies, etc.  -- 3mm of lead shielding, right?  Heck, it looks like a
> VHF/UHF radio, opened up, fed into a linear, would do just fine as a
> variable RFG for all of the specified frequency range. Sure, you'll burn up
> a lot of finals in the process due to the VSWR (depending on the coupling
> method), but just keep lots of extras on-hand.
> Place an empty cylinder inside the coil for some "dry runs", to ensure
> that your process is in place, and then substitute the live cylinder.  Find
> the "sweet spot" where "P_out >> P_in" by varying coil and RFG.
> Then call up MaryYugo, and invite her to dinner and a show.  Show her it
> works, and serve up some crow.
> Of course, this is under the assumption that:
> A) there really is a "secret sauce" that produces high overunity
> and 2) The layman could really get his hands on some.
>  _____________
> BTW, Giovanni:
> Gravitational waves are theoretically fascinating.  Where do you stand on
> the underlying gravitational question?  If the sun were to be plucked
> completely from existance right now, would the Earth continue on a curved
> trajectory for the next 8 minutes (or more), or *immediately* careen off
> course?  Even if there are no GW, and we are simply traveling in a straight
> line through warped space-time, how long would it take space-time to
> un-warp in the sudden absence of the causal body?

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