As I read Dr Bushnell, he is saying 5 things: 1) Excess heat is real and has been replicated in 100s of labs around the world. 2) The scale of the heat generated is beyond current chemistry. 3) What is being observed to occur is not Fusion (Hot or Cold) as it is currently understood. 4) WL seem to be on the right track in developing a workable theory. 5) NASA is interested and has done replications.


On 12/27/2011 2:02 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
At 06:19 PM 12/26/2011, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:
What no comment on this:

"My change of mind was a direct result of talking with Dr. Dennis Bushnell, the Chief Scientist for NASA Langley who has assured me that over 100 experiments worldwide indicate that LENR is real, capable of producing energy much greater that chemical reactions, with minimal radiation"

I'll comment on it: he went on to say, but it isn't fusion.

That's apparently because he's swallowed, lock, stock, and sinker, Widom-Larsen theory, and isolated, idiosyncratic attempt to "explain" LENR by coming up with even more preposterous hypotheses, none of which have been tested and shown to be of predictive value.

He knows, though, of the heat evidence, and, indeed, Jed's right, that evidence does show, once we look carefully at the reactions, at what is in the cells under study, heat far beyond that possible from chemical reactions in the cell -- unless they are totally unknown chemical reactions, between elements not known to be present in the cells, somehow being supplied.

One can imagine that with Rossi, many have attempted it. With standard FPHE, the chemistry is well-known, and if all the cell components were to be maximally reactions, we'd still be far, far short of what these cells have demonstrated.

Put it this way, if this isn't a nuclear reaction, it is some kind of super-battery, probably worth billions just for that. Unfortunately for this battery idea, ... helium.

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