Hello Mary Yugo,

I've looked at all of your posts for months, and appreciate your
candor, spunk, restraint, keenness, patience and persistence -- it
seems that the desire for a major game changing breakthrough since
1989 leads to premature big gambles that so far always fail -- so the
whole enterprise develops a traumatic history with many cycles of
flash and fizzle for each new device -- so there isn't support for
gradual basic research that establishes tiny beachheads, one after
another -- the research that led to the game changing discovery of
uranium fission in early 1939 was fairly routine, straightforward
simple nuclear chemistry, and it took months before the correct
paradigm was found -- likewise the evolution of transistor technology
after 1948 depended on advances in growing extremely pure crystals of
germanium and silicon via "zone refining", and finding and eliminating
nano level impurities that poisoned the electronic properties of n and
p conducting regions -- very painstaking, detailed baroque recipe work
that usually was trial and error -- however, the evolving frontier of
science and technology is a forever evolving and expanding complex
fractal horizon -- so if CF is possible, someday it will unpredictably
show up in some arcane corner in the fractal -- perhaps in "water
tree" corrosion in dense polyethylene insulation in high voltage power

Merry Christmas and a vigorous New Year!  Rich

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