Thanks for your diplomatic comments on my late night posting... I will
reread and think about them.

Trying to up the SNR a notch or two...

RE: Cooper pairs...
This is one of my pet peeves about the old, simplistic atomic models.  We
were taught the following in school/college:
- opposite charges attract, like repel
 - e- have negative charge, p+ positive charge

So how can two e- or two p+ 'pair up' (Cooper pairs; rhetorical Q, no need
to answer)?  According to the old model, which is still taught, likes repel!
Obviously, the old 'point-particle with charge' model is just too
simplistic, and should be thrown on the scrap heap! :-)  Its simplicity is
likely due to the limited instrument capabilities back when the atom was
being 'discovered'.

I'd like to propose how a Cooper pair can form, but not mathematically. One
must start with a physical model of reality and if it can explain the
observations from a qualitative point of view, then one can try to describe
the physical model quantitatively (with mathematics)... all
criticisms/comments are welcome.

An electron 'hole' (e-hole) is described as a 'vacancy' when a valence band
e- gets enough energy to jump the band-gap into the conduction band, and
that that e-hole has a *positive* charge equal to the negative charge of the
e-.  Since the valence band is nearly, or is, filled (with e-), and filled
bands (shells) always have an *even* number of electrons (which are in a
sense 'paired'?), what if that e-hole is the *other half* of the remaining
e- that is still in the valence band????

I.e., what we have been perceiving as the 'electron', is actually composed
of the e- and its e-hole, perhaps as a kind of dipolar oscillation.  To help
one visualize the physical model, let's think in terms of the vacuum of
space being under significant 'pressure' (deep in the ocean, pressure is so
hi it would crush a modern submarine like a tin can!).  Then what we have
been calling the e- is a region of slightly higher pressure, and the e-hole
is a region of equal but lower pressure (than ambient vacuum).  Together,
they form what is a *true* (complete) electron.  And I don't think that they
are separable; the high pressure region only exists because there is its
opposite (low pressure region) on the opposite side of the nucleus;
oscillations between the high/low occur at, say, 10^21 per second.  Now it
is easy to see that two 'true' electrons which are 180degs out of phase
would be attracted to each other and form a cooper-pair.  High pressure
region of one seeks the low pressure region of the other... qualitatively,
it *naturally* and *physically* explains the pairing of 'like charges'; no
need for special mathematical machinations.

Finally, how does one detect a 'hole' anyway????  Were the instruments back
then that were used to 'detect' and 'prove' the existence of an electron,
even capable of detecting an electron hole???  Can we do that even today, or
are 'holes' just postulated or assumed to exist to make the mathematics work

From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2012 10:27 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Cooper pairing of protons

"Cooper pairing" is a quantum effect of protons which has been mentioned by
Axil and others wrt Rossi. Cooper pairing is possible in all Fermions, not
just electrons. This terminology is a bit confusing, and it is too bad we do
not have a different name for it with protons - since Leon Cooper did not go
that far.

This paper from Leinson relates to a cooling effect seen in neutron stars,
claimed to be due to Cooper pairing of protons. I was not aware that
substantial numbers of protons even existed in neutron stars.

Anyway, the cooling mechanism consists of shedding of neutrinos from paired
protons. If the phenomenon exists in neutron stars on a massive scale, then
perhaps it exists in "dense clusters" or IRH (inverted Rydberg hydrogen) on
a lesser scale. 

But it is a cooling effect !

This is extremely important for a little known reason (except to a few
vorticians). In Brian Ahern's work on the "Arata effect", which is probably
the same thing as the "Thermacore/Piantelli/Rossi/Ni-H effect" - but is NOT
the F-P effect - Ahern has found both anomalous heating and anomalous
COOLING. The only thing which changes is interatomic spacing .

The cross-connection of these temperature anomalies to BCS superconductivity
is curious in light of Cooper pairing at temperatures which are not near
absolute zero. I do not place a lot of faith in Leinson's paper yet, for
several reason, and Ahern's report to EPRI has not been released for
publication yet. But when it is - perhaps we will be able to tie a lattice
cooling effecting with dense hydrogen (pycno or IRH) into a range of
expected and predictable phenomena - along with Romanowski. It is all about
interatomic geometry in the 1-3 Angstrom range (Figures 1,2,3 in the
Romanowski paper).

But a cooling effect is so extremely surprising - especially in similar
circumstances to where anomalous heating is seen - that we should take
special note of it all - especially with the missing ingredient :


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