Eric Walker <> wrote:

> I have no reason to believe that his lack of fluency in English explains
> all of the confusion, but I also have no reason at this point to think that
> he's being devious in some deep sense.

He is often devious about things that do not matter. He drives me nuts
doing that. He is not devious about technical claims, as far as I know, but
often contradictory. Probably confused. Developing new technology is
inherently confusing.

He is not an effective liar. No one I know is fooled by him about anything
of importance. Take, for example, all this talk about whether he shipped
the reactor not. What difference does that make? Who cares? I am not a
stockholder, or Rossi's banker. He does not owe me any money, so why should
I give a damn whether he has sold 1 reactor, 13 reactors, or zero
reactors? It is none of my business! It not the business of any person
contributing to this forum. None one of you has *any right to know
anything*about Rossi's sales or shipping status. Stop your childish
umbrage! If he
tells you about his sales, he might be lying. Corporations large and small
often lie about their sales. It is the most common thing imaginable. As I
said, you would have to shut down all of Wall Street if such lies were
against the law. It is childish nonsense to get worked up about this.
Unless you happen to be the one he is suppose to be shipping goods to!

You people remind me of 1950s movie star fans who idolize the stars and
think the stars have some sort of obligation to live out their fantasies,
or to live a moral, upstanding life. Rossi owes you nothing. He can lie
though his teeth to you all day long if he feels like it. Many people do
that. Listen to talk radio. Listen to any politician. If you don't want to
hear what he has to say, don't listen. But don't act like a self-righteous
ninny who expects Rossi to be a Boy Scout. Don't act like a nun who has
walked into a classroom to find a students having sex -- oh so horrified to
learn that people do that!!! Rossi is a hard-boiled businessman from Italy,
where the Mafia has its fingers in every pie. He has been in trouble
countless times. What kind of person would you expect him to be?

Lots of businessmen are like him. Lots of inventors too, notably Edison.
They are not saints. Rossi has made tremendous contributions to humanity,
so stop kvetching about his foibles. They make no difference.

- Jed

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