
I didn't say anything about believing or not Rossi. I was more kind of questioning if this topic has to be discussed once more.


On 22/01/2012 10:15 PM, Wolf Fischer wrote:

I don't know if you know the following thread but this topic has been
analyzed before:
Further, Rossi answered to a question regarding the thermocouple placement:


Please, no one not even Rossi would position the Tout thermocouple bead floating in the air and expect it to accurately measure the temperature of the water in the yellow tube.

The position you see is after the insulation was removed and the wire straightened out.

Why do I say that? Look at how tightly the white insulation is compressed around the right side of the stainless nut. That amount of pressure on the thermocouple lead would have forced it to bend to conform to the shape of the nut. There is no evidence this occurred.

Instead the thermocouple wire has a prominent kink about 50% of the way between the bead and where the wire is taped to the outlet fitting. This suggests the wire was bent in the middle and pushed down into the insulation, allowing the bead to come into contact with the brass fitting and the thermal transfer material and to be exposed to thermal leakage from the 110 deg C hot end of the manifold.

Then the valley that is visible in the thermal transfer material image was formed when the insulation was removed and the bead was removed from being in contact with the brass fitting.

As for Rossi saying the placement was checked to have no bias, (small lie on his part) he also said the BBB was shipped to the customer and that he had visited the customer to install the BBB (really big lie). Both of those big lie statements we now know are false. Why do you now give his "Trust Me" statement that he checked the placement and there was not temperature bias.

I say BS Mr. Rossi. There is no way that thermocouple placement could have measured the real water temperature. No way in hell. Rossi is lying. Just liked the lied about the BBB. He has no regard for the truth and has proven that on many occasions.

So please don't say to me it must be so because Rossi said it was so. He is a liar of top level lies. Stop believing his lies.


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