User #460717   70 posts
I'm new here, please be nice 1.6 hour interview with Andrea Rossi
herring | anchor
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posted 2012-Jan-15, 4:59 pm 
User #460717   70 posts
I'm new here, please be nice My take of the interview:
10 kW home E-Cat is the size of a portable computer.
Single reactor is the size of a packet of cigarettes.
Rossi calls the recharges “Energy Sticks”, fits with the ball point pen like 
refill statement.
Replacement is simple and can be done by anyone.
No H2 canisters used.
Reactor stores and recycles the H2.
Only uses picograms of H2.
Reactor control is via regulation of operational heat point.
Extremely stable operation at 120 deg C.
Above that temperature, work is it progress.
Fuel lasts 4,320 operational hours (180 days at 24 hours a day).
E-Cat will signal when refill is needed.
Customer can purchase several refills and keep them in stock.
Cost of the refill to the customer will be $10 plus installation if needed.
Refills and E-Cats will be available via internet sales.
Home units will run in self sustain mode.
512 keV 180 deg Gammas have been detected.
Heating is via low energy Gammas hitting the lead shielding.
1st 1 MW plant is in modification. Should be operation in 1 – 2 months.
12 additional 1 MW plants are being built.
1 additional 1 MW plant has been sold to another customer.
UL certification of the home E-Cat is in process.
2.7 to 2.9 kWs needed for 1 hour to start the home 10 kW E-Cat.
Rossi claims the RFG helps the Coulomb barrier work with the reaction and not 
against it.
First E-Cat factory is in Florida.
Rossi is going to Massachusetts to further discuss building another E-Cat plant 
Home E-Cat production will start in the US fall.
Sales will start in the US winter.
Rossi is not interested in family investors as the business is still risky.
Large hedge funds are welcome but only with a small % investment.
Does plan to go public.
Home E-Cat has a 30 year expected life.
Customer price between $400 to $500 for a home E-Cat 10 kW thermal unit.
Rossi is onto a winner here.
Look at the earlier copper pipe Door Knob style reactor. It produced in the 10 
to 20 kW range, same as the home E-Cat. Put it in a case, a few fittings for 
the fluid, small mirco for control, small transformerless power supply, 
wraparound heater, RFG coil, a screw in “Energy Stick” with the Ni power and 
like Bob’s your uncle, you have a home E-Cat. Cost when making 1 mil per year? 
Maybe $100 tops. He needs to give WalMart and other retailer around 100% 
markup, so out the factory door at $200 to $250 for a $400 to $500 retail. Nice 
profit there for Rossi and the retailer.
Can see there will be addons, like external heat exchangers and circulation 
pumps with fans for space heating, inside water tank heat exchangers for hot 
water, etc.
Doubt this is a whole system price, more like a price for the E-Cat thermal 
Well done to Andrea Rossi and the E-Cat team.
herring | anchor
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posted 2012-Jan-15, 8:35 pm
edited soon afterwards 
User #460717   70 posts
I'm new here, please be nice Cameron writes...
A few months ago there was no detectable radiation, now the heat is supposedly 
generated by gamma rays.
What Rossi claimed and others measured was there were no external radiations 
above background levels outside the 2 cm thick lead shielding. Rossi has said 
there are low energy gammas produced inside the reactor core but they do not 
pass thought the 2 cm thick lead shielding. Instead they turn into heat.
Where did you think the excess heat comes from if not low energy gammas that 
can be stopped by 2 cm of lead and turned into heat?
If the coolant stops, the electronics will detect this and try to toddle down 
the reactor. If that fails, the Ni powder will melt and the reactor will stop. 
You will then need to replace the "Energy Stick" and fix the coolant pump.
There are only picograms of H2 used. There is no H2 storage as such.
You can buy a 10 kW kero heater in WalMart, why not a 10 kW E-Cat?
Rossi has side they are doing UL certification of the home E-Cat. I'm sure he 
knows he needs IEC certification for the rest of the world. UL can do that as 
well and probably at the same time.
Not to worry, the home E-Cat can only do 120 deg C steam, so no E-Cat 
electricity generators yet. The Oz solar industry can stop worrying, at least 
for 12 months.
herring | anchor
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posted 2012-Jan-15, 11:02 pm
edited soon afterwards 
User #460717   70 posts
I'm new here, please be nice Abalone writes...
Sounds high tech and foolproof to me, a Fukushima in every kitchen
Expect there is no radioactive material inside the reactor. Just Nickel powder 
that melts into liquid Nickel if the reactor gets too hot, When that happens 
the LENR reaction stops and the very small amount of liquid Nickel turns into 
solid Nickel. Then you replace the $10 Nickel "Energy Stick" and hit the ON 


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