Axil Axil believes in Rossi. He just opened a thread about him, with ideas
on how the powder was chosen.Please, pay attention.

2012/1/22 Jed Rothwell <>

> I would like to quote the founding policies of this discussion group,
> written by Bill Beaty:
> "NO SNEERING. Ridicule, derision, scoffing, and ad-hominem is banned.
> "Pathological Skepticism" is banned (see the link.) The tone here should be
> one of legitimate disagreement and respectful debate.
> Vortex-L is a big nasty nest of 'true believers' (hopefully having
> some tendency to avoid self-deception,) and skeptics may as well leave
> in disgust. But if your mind is open and you wish to test "crazy"
> claims rather than ridiculing them or explaining them away, hop on board!"
> See also:
> Many people who have shown up here lately seem to be unaware of these
> rules, or they are unwilling to abide by them.
> They have been carrying out vendettas, writing insults, using off-color
> language, and calling other people here bad names. They do act according to
> academic decorum, which calls for a large measure of polite hypocrisy. Some
> degree of "ridicule, derision, scoffing, and ad-hominem" is inevitable. It
> is human nature. But there has been far too much lately.
> These people include Mary Yugo, Axil Axil, John Milstone, Eff Wivakeef and
> others. You know who you are. If you will not stop this childish nonsense,
> I ask you to shut up and go away. I ask Bill Beaty to ban you. I have been
> adding you to my personal kill file, but there seems to be so many of you
> lately, and you are so noisy, you are interfering with scientific
> discourse, and perverting the spirit of this forum.
> The Internet is unbounded. You can form your own discussion group. You can
> subscribe to this group while you post your attacks and ad hominem
> elsewhere. Or take it to VortexB-L. Of course we welcome your contributions
> to the technical discussion here.
> - Jed

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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