Hey gang!!  I'd like to throw this question around for discussion.  I have been 
lurking here for a while and decided to subsribe recently.  The question I 
would like the collective to discuss is?

What would it take to bring Rossi-like reactors to the market?  How much mullah 
needs to be invested to replicate the E-Cat.  I am specifically referring to 
E-Cat technology only, not thermacore, FP or Mills, which I think appears to be 
dead-end technologies.  I would be interested in reactor designs and lab 
equipment necessary.  If somebody were to invest the needed mullah, would 
someone in this collective be able to replicate Rossi, as DGT seems to have 

I would  specifically want Axil to chime in on what he think needs to be done 
based on his "Rydberg Atoms" theory of LENR?

Jones Beene also on what he thinks it will take to implement the Copper 
Pair/Langmuir Torch theory.

And others also.


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