From what I understand with regards to DGT's licensing, is that the license fee gives you all the necessary info to start the production. So all you need to do is find a premises of sufficient size and then DGT will give the blue prints for the manufacturing plant. what is not clear is if the license fee also includes the tools and machinery in the plant.

I think (just my hunch) DGT were working on their reactor before the agreement with Rossi fell apart. From their dealing with Rossi they probably discovered that they wouldn't be able to work with him and that he most likely would fail to deliver on the terms of their agreement, i.e. demo a device running for 48hours. They probably kept close to Rossi and went along with him all the while they could find out as much as they could about the workings of his reactor and at any opportunity steal his IP. Again this is just my thinking.

I find it hard to believe they magically developed their own reactor that quickly (when others are still trying) and have supposedly got it reliable and producing high temp steam without any IP transfer from Rossi. They must have got the secret or seed from Rossi that allowed them to proceed so quickly.

It still remains to be seen how quick DGT get their product to market though and it all depends on them getting their certification.

On 24/01/12 13:00, Wolf Fischer wrote:
Probably Rossi has some NI persons on the controlling front...? If Rossis statement about production facility planning is true there must be other engineers involved (although the thought of Rossi doing every single piece of engineering on himself makes me laugh :))

Perhaps (my theory): Defkalion started gathering professionals and therefore working on their own reactor from the beginning of August, whereas Rossi started the more professionalized work after the "successful" 1MW plant test (at least it seems like this to me). Therefore Defkalion might have a 3 to 4 month lead on Rossi?
However, what interests me then, is: How long until one can buy a Hyperion? (given that the certification runs fine for Defkalion). As they only sell licenses the licensee has to first start developing a concept on what the production looks like. This in turn might Rossi give some lead back, doesn't it?


I think Rossi's best chance is to stop giving out contradicting information / statements. A couple of weeks ago the home e-cat was going to ship at the end of this year, then yesterday he states that it won't be for another 12-18 months. What happened? There is the continuing inconclusive specification of the home e-cat, not to mention all the issues with the 1MW plant. It strikes me that he seems to be in a bit of panic mode as he's realised that DGT may indeed have something and beat him to market with a superiorly engineered product.

Rossi really needs to get a team of professional engineers to take his products and engineer them to refined commercial products. That is assuming he hasn't already got a team doing this. If he has there is not much evidence of it.

As for Ampenergo, it still exists and is still active Why the e-mail address doesn't work is anyone’s guess. Saying that has anyone managed to get in contact with Hydrofusion? I sent a couple of e-mails in the past and never got a reply or any acknowledgement of them receiving my e-mail. It's things like this that fuel the sceptics and the scam rumours.

What is surprising, assuming DGT have what they say they have, is how quick DGT managed to come up with their own reactor technology. If no information transfer occurred between Rossi and DGT as Rossi states (which I don't believe) then DGT really pulled one out of the hat. I'm surprised no one else has managed to replicate yet if DGT managed it without any IP transfer from Rossi. In a way I feel sorry for Rossi as he has possibly found the answer to clean cheap energy but his personality may prevent him from actually being the first to market it commercially.
Rossi is his own worse enemy. It may be as Jed said that he could be doing this deliberately to keep people off his back and to keep competitors from homing in.

On 24/01/12 12:18, Vorl Bek wrote:
Wolf Fischer wrote:

there have been two different news lately:
The first one being that Ampenergo seemingly has gone "inactive" 
(although I don't know what this exactly means, if this is even 
the company which is related to Leonardo, how this would affect
Rossi, etc.):
Second: The University of Bologna has seemingly terminated the 
contract with Rossi, as Krivit has posted:
It seems to me Rossi's best chance is to hold conference calls with
mom-and-pop investors and ask them to contribute $100 so that Rossi
can do the last bit of engineering needed to stabilize the e-cat
and allow him to run it for more than 4 hours.

In return, they will get a $500 credit on whatever e-cat model they
decide to buy, whenever the model gets made.

The way it looks now, Rossi's enterprise is tottering, but he seems
to have a number of Believers who would probably fork over the $100
or even more.

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