I am intrigued in that Julians interpretation of Rossi's actions on eCatNews align very much with my impression, although I am very much observing Rossi at a distance, and his Cooper-pairing of protons is my preferred framework for a possible understanding of what is going on.

He suggests that the pairing energy level is of the order of 1eV, which is a chemical reaction sort of energy. If he is right then some excess heat that is observed in some situations may be as a result of cooper pairing, and not LENR, which would mean even more care is required when doing calorimetry, in that the calorimetry should be through a process that takes the system back to the initial conditions, to exclude the possiblity that we are just measuring heat produced by cooper pairing.

Also, his papers on the archive imply that Julian was at Oxford, and not Cambridge before going to the EPO, not that, I suspect this is significant.

Julian looks another good addition to the characters to eventually appear in the film of the Ecat.


On 08/02/2012 20:15, Jones Beene wrote:
Actually Julian Brown himself may have a decent answer for this question. A 
least he had one back before he “changed hats” so to speak.

The story of Rossi vis-à-vis JS Brown is immensely curious in light of his 
moving from Cambridge to EPO.

Someone should write a book on it. I was hoping it would be Julian, who seems 
to be remarkably perceptive.


From: GJB


Does anybody have a good handle on the possible quantities of heat involved when protons 
inside a metal lattice begin paring "condensation"?

As per this paper by Julian Brown, who estimates that such phenomena may be 
exhibit by metals (like Ni, Pd, Nb) with high hydrogen loading.


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