I don't know if all of the natural gas will really be.  Problems are coming up 
with Benzine injections and other fracking
injections.  Drilling has slowed here in Western PA, it has not worked out as 
well as planned.

I like Obama the way he talks, acts, and his ideals on woman's rights, however, 
shutting down the trans-america pipe line and a lot of the coal fired power 
plants cannot be in the national interest.   

Here is what BP says about the future of gasoline power.  Its not good.  We are 
going to need cheep electrical power or
become a 3d world nation.


Don't count on cold fusion, there still are not independent tests of a robust 
system.  It will be to late under any condition. 
Coal needs to run and small portion of the revenue needs to be vectored off to 
fundamental research, preferably in cold fusion and not squandered on hot 

Frank Znidarsic


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