Off the top of my head I'd like to mention that Benford's Law is
particularly good at rooting out cheaters.  Basically, the most
significant digit from a sets of naturally occurring data tends to
follow a well known power law distribution.  This is true for things
like lengths of rivers, street addresses, amounts entered on your
taxes, etc.

I know they use this in voting already, but I'm not sure exactly how.
Would be interesting to see how this works out in this particular

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 5:03 AM, James Bowery <> wrote:
> The reason I'm posting this to vortex-l is that of all the candidates, the
> only one that represents a serious threat to establishment science is Ron
> Paul.
> The basic story is that a "signature" of "vote flipping" has turned up --
> and the beneficiary in every case of this signature has been Mitt Romney.
>  This analysis, if validated, could trigger the collapse of the Soviet, er,
> American Empire.
> The first message is a good synopsis of the current arguments.

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