
Post #6
Again re Ahern.
He does not
assume a perfect crystal, but one distorted in such a manner that non-harmonic
oscillations can take place. This raises the probability of  extreme 
energy-states, as far as I understand
In other
words: a  distorted or contaminated
crystal raises the probability of  extreme energy states at some locations 
within or on the surface of the ‘crystal’.
He calls
anharmonic vibrational modes…
But in any
case, the upper limit is that which I tried to estimate in post#5.
The situation
gets complicated if one has >3 agents: crystal-distorted-Ni, H+, catalyst.
Occamite ‘clear’
thinkers  tend to shy away from such
muddying the waters, and tend to reduce the variables, for the good reason that
possibilities soon rise to infinity, and this is not what a physicist likes.
He likes to
have his marbles controlled and dislikes playing with mud.
One interesting
aspect is eutectic systems, which have special properties.
Which is
not to say that this any direct relevance to the problem here.
Just keep
it in mind.

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