This is an interesting article Harry.  Thanks for posting it.  I wonder if 
anyone has seen papers that show the resonances and quality factor associated 
with the size of the material.  Can a small activation at the correct 
wavelength of electromagnetic radiation lead to a large plasmon current flow?

Also, it would be interesting to see if the individual nano scale plasmon 
resonances would magnetically couple and thus share energy.  In the same line 
of thought, would this form of coupling tend to smooth out what would otherwise 
be very precise energy levels?


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Gluck <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 22, 2012 6:34 am
Subject: [Vo]:nanoparticles in LENR

Quantum Plasmons Demonstrated in Atomic-Scale Nanoparticles

This can be important for LENR


PS I cannot solve my  "Chrome kills hyperlinks" problem- very bad
for my blog, I can only by-pass it by using Internet Explorer
Do you have some experience with it?
Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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