I hear Greggy is in a spot of bovver!!


Consequences of insolvent trading
There are various penalties and consequences of insolvent trading, including 
civil penalties, compensation proceedings and criminal charges.
The Corporations Act provides some statutory defences for directors. However, 
directors may find it difficult to rely upon these if they have not taken steps 
to keep themselves informed about the company’s financial position.
Civil penalties
Contravening the insolvent trading provisions of the Corporations Act can 
result in civil penalties against directors, including pecuniary penalties of 
up to $200,000.
Compensation proceedings
Compensation proceedings for amounts lost by creditors can be initiated by 
ASIC, a liquidator or a creditor against a director personally. A compensation 
order can be made in addition to civil penalties.
Compensation payments are potentially unlimited and could lead to the personal 
bankruptcy of directors. The personal bankruptcy of a director disqualifies 
that director from continuing as a director or managing a company.

Criminal charges
If dishonesty is found to be a factor in insolvent trading, a director may also 
be subject to criminal charges (which can lead to a fine of up to $220,000 or 
imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both). Being found guilty of the criminal 
offence of insolvent trading will also lead to a director’s disqualification.
ASIC has successfully prosecuted directors for allowing companies to incur 
debts when the company is insolvent, and has sought orders making directors 
personally liable for company debts.

Oh........poor Greggy

Don't drop the soap Greggy, there'll are 3 gay Hells Angels lined 
up behind you in the cell block shower.

Whoooooooooo Hoooooooooooo!! 

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