I put together a Powerpoint presentation on Randell Mills theory and
Blacklight Power.  Mills's theory involves fractional state hydrogen -
also known as hydrinos.  There is a link to the presentation on the
home page of my website and also below:

home page:

link to pdf presentation:

I  found some new information on Shelby Brewer who was on BLP's board
of directors from 1997 - 2000.    In 2000, Blacklight power (or
someone related to BLP) bought a company that specializes in handling
large quantities liquid Sodium (Na) and Ammonia (NH3) and put Shelby
Brewer in place as the CEO of the newly named Commodore Applied
Technologies.  This is the exact same chemicals that Mills is
advocating.  Brewer had been  on BLP's board of directors since 1997.
 So it seems to me they were trying to figure out  what would happen
if they used large quantities of sodium to produce thermal energy.
Brewer  had been the top nuclear official in the Reagan administration
in from 1981 to 1984 and he later went on to be the CEO of ABB
Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power Businesses from 1985 to 1995.
Another person, Michael Kalleres (retired commander of US Second
Fleet), was also on the Board of Directors of Commodore Applied
Technologies and on Board of Directors of BLP for short time.


Here is what Shelby Brewer has to say about Randell Mills (on BLP's website):
... Now along comes Randell Mills. Without expending billions or even
millions or even hundreds of thousands of US taxpayers' dollars, Dr.
Mills has apparently completed Einstein's quest for a unified field
theory. Dr. Mills' theory is presented in his book, The Grand Unified
Theory of Classical Quantum Mechanics (July 2002). This is a huge
achievement for three reasons. First, the Mills Theory tidies up
theoretical physics by stitching together quantum mechanics and
relativity. That in itself is a major triumph. Second, and more
important, the Mills Theory explains several major empirical anomalies
that have vexed physicists for decades: the sun's energy balance
deficit; the dark matter in space phenomena; and mountains of
atomic-electron spectral data that is inconsistent with prevailing
theory. Third, the Mills Theory gives rise to the possibility of an
inexhaustible energy source based on phenomenology not yet recognized
and accepted by the scientific community.
Remarkably, Dr. Mills has developed his theory and its energy
generation application as an entrepreneur -- without largesse from the
US Government, and without the benediction of the US scientific
priesthood. Because his enterprise does not suffer these two
impediments, it just might succeed. If so, Mills will be the next
Thomas Edison.


here is the news release from 2000:

Brewer Joins Commodore Applied Technologies

May 16, 2000

Commodore Applied Technologies, Inc. (CXI, New York, NY) said on May
11 that the former Reagan Administration nuclear chief and CEO of ABB
Combustion Engineering, Shelby T. Brewer, had joined its management
team as chairman and CEO of CXI's Commodore Nuclear (Alexandria, VA).

 Brewer has oversight over 100-percent-owned subsidiaries, Commodore
Advanced Sciences, Inc. (CAS), and Commodore Solution Technologies,
Inc. (CST). He will direct the day-to-day activities of CXI's
subsidiaries and work closely with Peter E. Harrod, president and COO.
In addition, he will provide strategic guidance and access to private
industry and governmental agencies.

 Brewer joined Combustion Engineering in 1985 as president and CEO of
its nuclear power businesses and held that position through 1995. When
ABB acquired Combustion Engineering in 1990, Brewer's responsibilities
expanded. He led ABB's post-war initiative in Kuwait and in the former
Soviet Union following the end of the Cold War.

 President Reagan appointed Brewer Assistant Secretary of Energy in
1981, where he served until 1984. In the position, Brewer was the top
nuclear official in the administration. He is credited with a number
of major accomplishments, including the uranium enrichment business
turnaround, passage of the 1982 Nuclear Waste Act, initiation of the
Advanced Naval Reactor program, and streamlining the U.S. nuclear
regulatory processes.

 CXI said it is continuing its mission to focus on its proprietary,
patented solvated electron technology (SET)™ for the nuclear waste
market. CXI, through its wholly owned subsidiary Commodore Nuclear,
serves the nuclear mixed-waste market and the depleted uranium
hexafluoride (DUF6) stabilization program.

 CXI claims to offer the only broad range, commercially proven,
non-thermal system to effectively treat mixed waste at substantial
savings compared with incineration. Additionally, CXI is capable of
assisting the U.S. Department of Energy with several remediation tasks
including the DUF6 program. CXI, using the SET process, claims to
offer the only single-step stabilization process. SET converts DUF6 to
the stable and reusable uranium oxide form (DUO2).

 Commodore Applied Technologies, Inc., is an environmental solutions
company focused on the processing and management of high-end hazardous
waste from nuclear, radioactive, toxic, and chemical sources. Through
its wholly owned subsidiaries--Commodore Nuclear, Commodore Advanced
Sciences, and Commodore Solution Technologies--the company provides
technical engineering services and proprietary remediation
technologies to the government and private


below is a partial transcript of Shelby Brewer speaking at some presentation:


".... The technology side, we have a process called Solvated Electron
Technology and it's very, very unique. Basically and technically what
happens is as we mix anhydrous ammonia with elemental sodium, the
electrons come off the sodium.
So you have a sea of electrons. You then put the toxic material PCBs,
Furans, whatever it is in the solution and press all, the chemical
formed, the toxic materials change to something benign. It operates at
room temperature. ..."

Another interesting person currently on BLP's board of directors is
James Sims who was CEO and founder of Cambridge Technology Partners
($600 million revenue at the time) and also founded a computer company
and developed it into $300 million in revenue.    His  company, Gen3
Partners,  replicated  one of BLP's experiments and his company
oversaw a replication of another  experiment.

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