On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 3:16 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

And it's far more likely -- just my personal impression -- that you don't
> actually know what you are doing. But I'm not inspired to follow you enough
> to find out either where you are right or where you are wrong.

I think you'll probably agree with me on this, Abd, but there's room for
all types here.  Some people are clearly knowledgeable in the relevant
fields that are being discussed, they're careful about what they say and
they communicate effectively; others are clearly unknowledgeable and are
willing to go off into wild speculation (I include myself in this
category); and others do not know that they're unknowledgeable.  Somehow,
though, different audiences find different threads interesting, perhaps for
reasons they weren't expecting, and it all works out.


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