Yes, if somebody is honest and says the truth, it is agood information
if somebody is a mythomaniac and you know it you believe the opposite (if
possible) and and you still can use the info.
But Rossi is beyond truth or untruth.Special case.

On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 5:01 PM, Daniel Rocha <> wrote:

> I think this talk about enriched isotopes is a blatant lie. Otherwise,
> he'd have a patent of that by now and getting a lot of money from his new
> cheap process, without spoiling his secret process.
> 2012/6/4 Peter Gluck <>
>> thanks dear Reliable,
>> Info coming from Rossi is difficult to evaluate.
>> Especially isotopes enrichment.His situation with patenting is
>> incognoscible.
>> I like good music of any kind, including smart lyrics, quoted recently
>> Sinatra, Piaff,Chapin.
>>  Peter
>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 5:29 PM, <
>>> wrote:
>>> A.R. from Florida with love,
>>> "Andrea Rossi
>>> June 2nd, 2012 at 8:11 AM
>>> Dear Antonella:
>>> Good question.
>>> This is the question I could have asked for, should I have been in your
>>> position.
>>> Before I answer, please consider my position: I cannot so far disclose
>>> my theory and I cannot disclose, until the international patent is granted,
>>> how the reactor exactly works. Therefore I have to answer within the
>>> boundaries allowed from my former considerations.
>>> 1- the analisys are made upon samples which are always different, due to
>>> the difficulties to make omologous samples when you deal with a matter
>>> where a tiny percentage of matter reacts within the total charge.
>>> 2- impurities are always possible
>>> 3- We enrich the Ni with the 62 and 64 isotopes, which are the sole to
>>> work really: if they had not worked and therefore if Cu had not been born,
>>> an excess of 62 and 64 Ni had to be found: therefore the fact that we did
>>> not find a percentage of Ni outside the relatively wide band of the
>>> isotopes is normal. Should not Cu have been made, we would have found an
>>> excess of 62 and 64 Ni
>>> 4- Our theory is deeply changed during the last 2 years of experience
>>> and tests, and we have understood clearly which is the transmutation role,
>>> so that all the considerations of your Collegue are perferctly explained
>>> 5- Remember that our goal is not to produce copper, our goal is to
>>> produce energy.
>>> Warm Regards,
>>> A.R."
>>> Gluck likes Opera +, I like Etta James +.
>>> *"At Last"*
>>> At last
>>> My love has come along
>>> My lonely days are over
>>> And life is like a song
>>> Oh yeah yeah
>>> At last
>>> The skies above are blue
>>> My heart was wrapped up in clover
>>> The night I looked at you
>>> I found a dream, that I could speak to
>>> A dream that I can call my own
>>> I found a thrill to press my cheek to
>>> A thrill that I have never known
>>> Oh yeah yeah
>>> You smiled, you smiled
>>> Oh and then the spell was cast
>>> And here we are in heaven
>>> for you are mine...
>>> At Last
>>> Thank you A.R.
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Reliable
>>> "Peter Gluck
>>> Sun, 03 Jun 2012 23:09:04 -0700
>>> My dear Friends,
>>> At the intersection of:
>>> a) my dedication to LENR and strong hope that LENR+
>>> will win very soon,
>>> b) my developing Problem Solving program- in which
>>> Triumph Management is an important issue,
>>> c) My love for opera music and bad feeling caused by the
>>> idiocy of some opera libretti...I have published:
>>> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.**ro/2012/06/mother-of-radames.**html<>
>>> I do not possess the future seeing aptitude of Radames's mother
>>> but I hope this week/month will start to give us some interesting
>>> events.
>>> Peter"
>> --
>> Dr. Peter Gluck
>> Cluj, Romania
> --
> Daniel Rocha - RJ

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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