From: Robert Lynn 
                Assuming no LENR there is no chance of CSP being competitive
with natural gas in the next few decades.  

Your bring up an interesting point, although it is not clear how you
intended it.

In fact, there could be synergy between CSP and LENR that goes beyond
baseload considerations. This could involve efficient P-in during day time
operation, and shared heat-storage for 24/7 operation.

Many observers are convinced that even if Mills' theory is incorrect in
major parts, the gain from LENR still originates in the EUV spectrum
(extreme ultraviolet) and via the Rydberg progression that Mills suggests.
This is the alternative to Hagelstein's "magic phonon" method of attenuation
and it makes a lot more sense.

In short, Mills could be wrong on many details, since he denies a nuclear
origin of excess energy, but still he could be accurate in describing the
way that nuclear energy is removed without gammas in a novel (mass to
energy) conversion process - via EUV quanta in multiples of the Rydberg
value where 1 Ry = 13.6057 eV. 

Mills' theory, in fact does accurately explain how and why the solar corona
is not only hotter than the sun itself, which is true, and how it provides a
large fraction of energy received on earth (most of the 'light' received
begins as EUV in the corona and not as gamma radiation in the core).


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