Rossi has stated on many occasions that his process converts nickel into 
copper.  I do not recall him ever suggesting that he is making or believes in 

It is curious that he does say that his process in not nuclear in that 
particular document.   Hopefully one day soon we will be privileged to get the 
complete facts.


-----Original Message-----
From: mixent <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Tue, Jun 26, 2012 6:02 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]: Dave’s Demon and Radiation Free LENR

In reply to  Chemical Engineer's message of Tue, 26 Jun 2012 06:02:09 -0400:
Sounds to me, an awful lot, like he's making Hydrinos. ;)
>Rossi Statement to Florida inspector:

The following incident report was made on March 1 by a James Stokes:

I spoke to Dr Rossi concerning the construction and operation of his E-cat
device. He stated the active ingredients are powdered nickel and a tablet
containing a compound which releases hydrogen gas during the process. The
output thermal energy is six times the electrical energy input. He
acknowledged that no nuclear reactions occur during the process and that
only low energy photons in the energy range 50-100 keV occur within the
device. There are no radiation readings above background when the device is
in operation. Since the device is not a reactor, the NRC does not have
jurisdiction. Since there is no radioactive materials used in the
construction and no radioactive waste is generated by it, the State of
Florida, Bureau of Radiation Control has no jurisdiction. Currently, all
production, distribution and use of these devices is overseas. Dr Rossi has
arranged to meet with Underwriter Laboratories (UL) to seek approval for
manufacturing in the United States. I thanked Dr Rossi for his time meeting
with me.
Robin van Spaandonk

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