On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 12:59 PM, Alan J Fletcher <a...@well.com> wrote:

Hmm ... $35M is a trickle from Darpa ... but how many billion "butterfly's
> tears" does that represent?

We should speak very quietly.  DARPA are our folks.  Somehow, doing
whatever they do, however they do it, they brought us the Internet.  I
don't want to get them into trouble.

It's fun to highlight some line items in the paragraph that was quoted:

   - developing devices and structures to enable controllable photonic
   devices at multiple wavelengths
   - engineering palladium microstructures with large deuterium loadings to
   study absorption thermodynamics and effects
   - enabling real-time detection as well as analysis of signals and
   molecules and origin of emergent behavior in correlated electron devices
   - developing stabilization and scale-up methods to fabricate high
   pressure crystal structures at low pressures.

Maybe the line items are related, or maybe they are not.


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