Here is a message I posted at Slate. I have quoted this here before, years
ago. It is worth repeating --

Some people may feel these cars will never become popular, or Americans
will not accept them because we like to drive. On that subject, let me
quote the keynote speaker of the National Association of Carriage Builders
in 1907:

"Eighty-five percent of the horse-drawn vehicle industry of the country is
untouched by the automobile. In proof of the foregoing permit me to say
that in 1906 - 7, and coincident with an enormous demand for automobiles,
the demand for buggies reached the highest tide of its history. The man who
predicts the downfall of the automobile is a fool; the man who denies its
great necessity and general adoption for many uses is a bigger fool; and
the man who predicts the general annihilation of the horse and his vehicle
is the greatest fool of all."

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