At 08:31 PM 8/10/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
I grow tired of reading your verbose essays of "YOUR" opinion as if you're an expert. Are you a Software Architect that knows how lousy compression works.

Well, I've merely worked with compression algorithms for, what, about thirty years. No, I'm not an expert. I'm just someone not snowed by idiots like you. Not that anyone here is being snowed by you.

Do you know the lousy algortihm intimately enough to say what the "artifacts" are?

Yes. They are obvious to anyone who has worked with compressed image files.

I have an MS in Computer Science and I don't even intimately know the algorithm for lousy jpg compression;

There are many different algorithms, but the basic concept involves recognizing repeated patterns. With a non-lossy algorithm, you only allow compression through exact repeats. A zipfile is that. But image files, especially JPEGS, can be highly lossy.

You have an MS in Computer Science and don't know this stuff? Oh, "intimately." I don't know it "intimately," but I know enough to recognize baloney, and many of the birther claims about the PDF files are just that.

but I can tell your "expert opinion" below consists of nothing more than Highly Enriched Weapons Grade Balonium.

Weapons grade. Thanks.

Over a dozen document experts, software experts and other experts have said the BC presented to us was fake; and here you are thinking you are smarter than everybody. Typical Arrogance.

Biased sample, Jojo. You are only selecting the experts you agree with. There are *many* experts who have opined the opposite of your position. Bottom line, Jojo. Prove it. It's all irrelevant if nobody actually takes this to court. Go ahead, put your money together and waste it on this. I'll be happy, because that's just so much less money to be spent on real mischief.

I'm not "smarter than everybody." As I mentioned, one of the "experts" had me going for a bit. I did suspect something was off, but wasn't sure. And then what I found, searching for commentary on that "expert" jogged my memory. Yes.

It's obvious. Lossy compression works by recognizing *approximate* patterns and replacing them with a single version, which is then repeated. I pointed to a higher-resolution copy that hasn't been compressed in that way. It was still available as JPEG and you can see some JPEG artifacts in the colors, in particular, but it's much better and the supposed "proofs" of alteration aren't there.

The remaining interesting allegation is the showing of various "versions" of letters. To me, the letters look as the same font, and I don't see being done what one would sensibly and scientifically do: examine the variation in type patterns of many documents; what has been shown is easily artifact of two things: various levels of impact from the keys, ribbon differences, incomplete ink transfer, and digitisation variations. What is done is not scientific, it's on the level of "gee, this looks weird." What is weird? How much variation is *normal*? I could do that work, but, frankly, I consider that the whole topic is a waste of time. I've already wasted far too much time on this. I did look, at everything you pointed to. You struck out, Jojo. You had your chance.

BUT, just answer why Bambi has not allowed his Vault BC to be seen.

It's been seen. The "Vault BC," by the way, is legally unnecessary. The critical information is on the short form that was released, and if Obama has ever applied for a passport -- and he has -- he had to present one of those. Not some copy, a state-certified original.

  He can end this Birther movement and nip it at the roots if he did so.

It's been demonstrated, quite well, that birthers like you will never give up. The release of the long form had long been demanded on the same basis. Note: if the long form document is a forgery, what's important about it. The excuse for the whole flap has been the question of eligibility, and the short form has all that is needed to know about that. The basis now being asserted for a problem is that supposedly Obama had something to hide, something so embarrassing that he'd risk impeachment to hide it. It's all fishing, and has gone way beyond merely silly. It's looney-tune wacko.

Why hasn't he done so? When somebody is going to great lengths that Bambi is going to, somebody is hiding something. Something that is criminal. For me, it's no longer about the BC, it about obstruction of Justice. I remember one former president having to resign due to an offense much more minor than what Bambi is doing now. He imprisoned a decorated American Colonel soldier because he did not want to reveal his Vault BC. Such actions are treasonous. And if you think that is OK, then you are treasonous. You are working for the destruction of America and change it to your way of life. Maybe, both your actions shouldn't surprise me at all as I know both of your backgrounds.

You know, Jojo, you make wild accusation after wild accusation and don't do the simplest thing, point to evidence. You seem to think that it's enough just to say it. And, in fact, in the birther movement, that seems to be the case. One person says something, many others repeat it as fact.

Do you think I'd be exercised to Google "decorated American Colonel soldier"? It was bad enough looking for certain other things you alleged, it took quite a bit of time to sift through mountains of garbage.

To be fair, the same thing happens everywhere, it's not just birthers. But conservatives everywhere have been detaching themselves from the "birther" movement, like the hot potato it is. If you've got something, prove it. Take it to court. You do know that lots have tried to do that, and probably some will continue to try. Be my guest. Break yourself against that brick wall. Imagine that this is a "terrible miscarriage of justice." You will be doing the rest of us a service, by taking yourself out of the real game.

"Both of your backgrounds." Who. Me and Obama? I'm flattered. What do you know about my background, Jojo? I'm not seeing a sign that you know anything, but I'm a pretty public figure. You can find out a lot if you search. And who is "Jojo"? Real name, Jojo?

If Obama forged a birth certificate, or allowed someone working for him to forge one, he should probably be impeached. I'd vote for it, were I in Congress. But he hasn't. Prove it, Jojo. Go ahead! You are the best gift the Democratic Party could get right now.

This is one thing you'd be right about. This would be worse than Clinton's "perjury." Which was vague as hell. Forgery isn't vague.

Nevertheless, do you realize that you thoroughly trashed whatever reputation you might have here as an advocate for intelligent design. Not that you had much reputation. You have completely and adequately demonstrated that you have the sober judgment of a wing nut. My guess is that this affects many areas of your life.

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