Expertise in specialized engineering is confirmed
by review of two URL's:
and .

Internet search reveals an engineering firm Pempek Systems designed
a 100 kw linear generator powered by an internal combustion head fitted to
each side. See: .

An obvious application is substitution of "Noble Gas Plasma"
heads for the internal combustion heads.

Common threads Rossi, Defkalion, Papp, Rohner, Roberts (Analysis), Hot-Cat and many little people such as Chan, Chung, Mint, Cy Cle ..... involve sparks, RFG injection, electromagnets, electric potential fields, H, He, Ni and programmed progression. LENR is in a cage ready for dissection and commercial exploitation.

My instincts are on the 100 kw linear generator mentioned above as being next.

Well, my honored associates at Vortex, what is your take on what will follow the Rossi 1 mw steel container?

Warm Regards,


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