James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com> wrote:

The calorimetry problem should, for the purposes of cold fusion, have been
> solved by now -- not just technically but economically.

The calorimetry problem was solved in 1848. Every single person associated
with this field, including me, knows exactly how to build a calorimeter for
this experiment. There are problems, however:

1. This particular experiment calls for a large calorimeter that can
maintain the cell internal temperature at 120 deg C or more.

2. Celani does not happen to have such a calorimeter, and he does not have
the time or the money to build one.

If you would like to contribute, say, $50,000 and couple of months of labor
to Celani, he will then have a suitable calorimeter. We would all be
pleased to see that. If you are not willing to assist him then I think you
refrain from kibitzing. Like all cold fusion researchers, he is doing the
best he can with no resources, working against tremendous opposition.

- Jed

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