That PESN report gives me practically no confidence. So they've sold the poppers before they are ready to ship any? Has anyone seen an Inteligentry popper function? They are announcing the availability of engines at an upcoming show, but the mfrs. haven't seen a running engine?

The most brilliant idea was that they don't want to look competent, to throw off the competition. Who was it said that? It's late and I don't want to reread it.

100 poppers already sold? While it's believable, I have to remember the source!

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On Aug 19, 2012, at 9:20 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

My Visit to Inteligentry

Even the usually supportive Sterling D. Allan of Pure Energy Systems News is asking hard questions. The entire area is in a herding cat’s type of predicament. The Rohner business plan is something that an engineer would come up with. If the Papp engine does work, the busin ess plan might not.

Cheers:    Axil

On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 9:41 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax < > wrote:
At 12:15 PM 8/18/2012, James Bowery wrote:

On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax << >> wrote: Note that this could be parallel with Jospeh Papp. Papp apparently planted red herrings in his patent applications, things that he knew would not work, to throw people trying to imitate his engine off. Too bad that this is the opposite of the intention of a patent....

More importantly, as I have already stated in this forum, it vitiates the patent in all countries. Moreover in all countries but the US, which is "first to invent" rather than "first to file", it opens the door to a valid patent filing in the present by those who decipher the prior patent. In other words, the noble gas engine has never been in the public domain because its patent disclosure did not, in fact, disclose in such a way that those "skilled in the art" (what art?) could reproduce the benefit of the invention.

Whether or not this is so depends on the exact language of the patent. Probably so. But I'd check with a lawyer before depending on new patentability.

John Rohner, or one of his companies, which he might or might not still control -- this whole thing is too complicated for the average bear -- obtained a new patent fairly recently, which might or might not cover current work. I haven't read it. Not planning to.

Beware of investing in the Papp Engine at this point. The whole situation is a tangled mess. If interested, building a popper would be in order. If Bob Rohner has any sense, he'll encourage people to buy a popper from him, since he's actually demonstrated it. He could easily provide plans for it, with a license to build one, for cheap, and at a decent profit. John's going to eat his lunch if he doesn't.

Unless John doesn't really have a popper and is just bluffing....

See what I mean about mess? Don't risk your life savings just because someone talks a good line. Even if they have a running engine, it could turn out that they don't own the technology, they will lose their shirts, and you along with them.

Be careful!

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