Craig Brown wrote:

First of all, I would be ecstatic if Rossi's eCat was proven, but the constant regurgitative reportage of "Rossi Says this, Rossi says that" being pumped out by certain reporters has me reaching for the vomit bag on an almost daily basis.

Yup, it is silly. But why get upset about it? Just ignore it.

Rossi's statements about his business have often been unreliable. He claimed he cut a deal with a giant company that turned out to be Ampenergo. He claimed he sold and would soon ship the 1 MW monster reactor. It is still sitting there. His technical claims have a better track record. But who knows what to make of this latest one, about a 1,200 deg C reactor? We will find out . . . or we won't find out.

Don't fret about it. The fate of cold fusion does not rest in Rossi's hands. I think Celani and others have replicated high power density Ni-H. Celani is a little sloppy at times but his overall credibility is orders of magnitude above Rossi's. He is a sane, cooperative person at a National Laboratory. Defkalion may also have a high power Ni-H reactor. I do not know. They have not revealed any details about calorimetry. People who have seen it are under strict NDA. Despite this, some details have been leaked. They are unimpressive.

The difference between Celani's 21 W and Rossi's 16 kW is unimportant, in my opinion. They are equally close to commercialization. The 16 kW looks more impressive to people who do not understand the technical issues. The megawatt reactor looks impressive to such people as well. To me, it looks like a gigantic white elephant. It is a distraction, and an absurd waste of time and effort. A dangerous piece of junk. No one in his right mind would buy it. I might buy one of those boxes inside it, but I would no more crank up the whole thing than I would try to fly the Caproni Ca-60 Transaereo 'Capronismo' -- a similar product of grandiose Italian engineering. Do a Google image search for "Caproni Ca-60 Transaereo" and you will see what I mean.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=e534b9eab2e20cd&biw=1090&bih=1377

See also:

- Jed

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