Have they identified the energy source for the heat?  Does heat get moved from 
one location to another as in a heat pump or is this some form of free energy?

I ask these questions because I am concerned that the conservation of energy is 
violated if this device actually works as described.


-----Original Message-----
From: Teslaalset <robbiehobbiesh...@gmail.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Mon, Oct 1, 2012 4:40 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Magnons, excess heat and ferromagnetism

So, is this what Steorn now is exploiting??
They mention COP of 5 using magnetic impulse technology to produce heat.

On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 9:54 PM, Ron Kita <chiralex.k...@gmail.com> wrote:


I am a Magnon "Believer",

Ron Kita

On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 12:08 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

In 2008, research in spintronics focused onto with what is being called a
spin Seebeck effect. The effect is seen when heat is applied to a magnetized
metal and it may operate with other inherent phase changes to produce novel
thermal-magnetic effects. The key concept is the magnon.

Unlike ordinary electron movement, the spin Seebeck effect does not create
heat as a waste product, so that a Curie point can be maintained in a
see-saw fashion, along with other inputs.

Interesting new paper touching on the spin Seebeck effect and the magnon
connection. It is not exactly on point for Ni-H, but there are clues; and
the references at the end are worth the download.


Imagine the magnon as the quantum force carrier of spin, in the same way as
the photon is the quantum of light. Admittedly, this analogy quickly breaks
down in the details since the magnon is a quasiparticle; but for
understanding the major point about the transfer of spin energy from one
nucleus to another, there is more. Photons can illuminate a photocell and
produce electricity, in the sense of forcing electrons into a vector, and
correspondingly, magnons can irradiate a ferromagnetic material to produce
heat to the extent that they alternate polarity rapidly by spin reversals.
Reversals happen repeatedly near the Curie point.

When a magnetic field reverses its orientation, electric dipoles of atoms
shift orientation - and as a result thermal energy is deposited. Even the
core of a small wall-transformer, when charging your cell phone with a few
watts, gets rather hot from dipole reversal. In general the higher the
frequency of dipole reversal - the more heat is deposited and it is
exponential. 50 or 60 Hertz gives moderate core heating, but RF gives so
much heat that it is the preferred method of rapidly heating some metals
without direct electrical current (Ohmic heat). UV is thousands of times
more robust than RF. Hydrogen is a prime UV emitter.

This could be the best way to understand how thermal gain in Ni-H or Co-H
operates - via magnon emission from protons (following reversible proton
fusion). Magnon emission can decay with no heat transfer unless collected in
an absorber of magnons, preferably one that magnifies the effect in the same
general way that iron magnifies field reversals in a typical transformer.

In a normal paramagnetic metal like palladium, dipoles move independently
from each other but they tend to orient in a magnetic field so as to
increase the field strength, to the extent of their magnetic susceptibility.
Magnetic susceptibility ("magnetizability" is a term that could be used) is
a dimensionless proportionality constant. Hydrogen in pure palladium does
not produce much excess heat, and this means it can be used as a "control"
for proving deuterium gain. The difference in susceptibility between
paramagnets and ferromagnets varies, but as a ratio of the magnification
effect of 40,000:1 would be a fair approximation for why nickel works to
capture magnons effectively, and palladium doesn't.

Thusly, when hydrogen is loaded into a ferromagnetic material like nickel or
cobalt, it can produce excess heating in those matrices, under conditions
which in palladium produce nothing. This should tell the keen observer that
there is a fundamental difference between Ni-H and Pd-D systems in the way
gain materializes. The two are almost unrelated in terms of modus operandi,
other than being isotopes of the same element

In ferromagnetics, dipoles orient so as to increase the field, but those
dipoles are not independent from each other as in paramagnets. They are
self-sensitive. If dipoles are initially oriented at random, all adjacent
dipoles will preferentially orient parallel to any change, with the
slightest inducement. This magnifies the effect by the large factor
mentioned above.

When a mass of ferromagnetic material is brought near a source of randomly
emitted magnons, almost all the dipoles in the ferromagnet will orient in
the direction of the instant field of every magnon. Hence a ferromagnet, as
a target for a "quantum unit of spin" can enormously increase the effect of
magnon release. Also, as a known upper temperature is reached, the Curie
point, the ferromagnet will become an ordinary paramagnet. That permits
another way to vary the orientation of dipoles.

The interesting thing for understanding "new hydrogen" thermal gain - is the
range around the Curie point. It is no coincidence that the trigger
temperature in Ni-H should be related (identical) to the Curie point in the
alloy being employed.



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