Now please, whatever you do, DON'T try to tell me that the Great Annointed 
Messiah of a Wannabe Dictator is a Mathematical Genius, because he knows 
"exactly" how to con, swindle, bribe, coerce, corrupt, and threaten every 
gullible naive weak minded fool and/or tax payer, and ALL for the chance to 
this Countries first truly fraud fake illegal illegitimate imposter as he 
travels about the world on his holy fundraising tour, & golfing, shopping, 
anti sentiment speeches that generally denounce America  because it's people 
haven't given everything away to all the low life slime that tends  infest 
the planet.                                                                    
   Heres what we currently have misoccupying "Our" illfaded White House 
(illegally). BO (the monkey genius posing as a man) is "King" because he has 
been granted dominion over all Human Beings by "Allah" The Almighty Dallah, 
and/or Mahominid the greatest Virgin keeper or Molester to ever walk among 
                          First, we all must remember that our great 
illegitimate leader while spending millions of taxpayer dollars to keep all his 
records sealed, while being a strong proponent for everyone that runs for the 
Presidency should reveal theirs (lets see, double standard apply here, or 
how about pure hypocracy). Now then, lets consider where BO comes from - a 
part of Africa close to where Mogabi The Thugly Ruler confiscated everything    
from the Whities and ousted them, of which all went to hell and now have to 
import everything(sounds promising!).                                       
                       Now, at about the age of  6, BO traveled to 
Indonesia to learn about the stoned age teachings of muzzleheaded brotherhood 
shria law and/or how to partake in the destruction of the modern civilized 
world. Then at the age of 11 it was off to Hawai to obtain his forged birth 
certificate so he could infiltrate America and become friendly with some easily 
influenced gullible fools so he could begin on his road to success.         
Lets see now what exacttly we have misoccupying the Illfaded White House, an 
anti American who essentially despises rules regulations laws & anything 
that a civilized truly "free" intelligent human being does, and/or "Our" way of 
life. Once here BO then attended (?) Law School, essentially, to use it 
"against" the people of this country. He partook in all the things that regular 
good old black folks do, and he also got in thick with a White terrorist 
named Bill Airhead (BO's idol), and Rev. Wrong, and all the more respected 
leders that seem to take naturally to hating this Country, (mainly  (because 
"We The People" are not truly of the Animal Kingdom).                          
   Now then, BO obtained a Senator Seat (because of his lust for power) and 
was well on his way to weaseling his way into the Political System. He was 
already a great Communist, uh, rather I mean, Community Organizer and so 
naturally his next move was to run for the Presidency, where of course he could 
turn this Country into his own personal zoo.                                
                                     So now, we've had almost 4 wonderful 
years of total complete BS, and, who in their right mind wouldn't want 4 more 
years of it?  Now, you really shouldn't even consider voting for Romney, 
because he simply has too much trouble with numbers, and God knows that if you 
have trouble with numbers, then yuo're likely not going to get away with 
corruption and/or as easily being corrupted, and that simply will cause BO and 
his gullible followers alot of problems.                                    
                    Now here's my solution to the problem.... first, 
austerity measures and/or reduce the amount of benefits package/pension plans 
all Politicians, & Government or State Employees (you know, career 
politicians, and/or absolute power corrupts absolutely) and do thorough 
checks on terrorists seeking power and/or attempting to coerce and/or 
indoctrinate as many citizens of this Country as possible who will unwittingly 
sign-up to participate in (their demise) celebrating their independence.        
           And BTW,  whenever I inadvertently or haphazardly look at and/or 
hear BO, I have to  force myself to remember that I should always be kind 
to animals.... because they are innocent and only doing what an animal does. 
They cannot be held accountable for their actions, in the human civilized 
world, and therefore, should be allowed  to do whatever it is they naturally 
enjoy the most... freedom to kill (in)discriminately, inflict serious bodily 
harm, or maim, and/or most importantly of all, "disfigure". (tee hee)        
       << Why would you vote for someone who cannot add?  Smoke and mirrors 
never works.
 Frank Znidarsic >>

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