Melatonin Research

It is pretty well understood that dark matter and energy are striking earth
constantly in the form of Neutrinos and probably WIMPS - they are still
looking for them all pelting us during solar storms.  In My research, I
believe have located where the LARGE WIMP particles are hiding, they are
leaving a seismic, magnetic and acoustic ultra low frequency pulse as they
orbit.  I sent a copy of my latest Kepler Orbit WIMP Model to NASA.

Now do you guys want to hear a super strange thing? No?  I am going to tell
you anyway...

My research is also telling me that most crop circles are probably NOT
created by drunken englishmen and are actually produced from this dark
energy striking earth.  The radiation signature on the stalk matches.

In 2011 a crop circle popped up showing the chemical structure

I think the ULF radiation from the dark energy is probably one of the
causes of cancer in humans.

I have also been analyzing some of the other circles and some are matching
my model of large WIMPS in a decaying orbit into and through the earth.  I
believe the circles are telling us when this is happening...

I am not sh*&^*ing you.  I didn't even believe in crop circles (until the
last month or so).  I am having a blog explosion in activity right now
(dark energy)


On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 4:06 PM, ChemE Stewart <> wrote:

> Good stuff, couple of comments.
> I think Papp used his surrounding coil to help remove the charged
> particles to prevent the buildup he is seeing.
> Are you sure those are only electrons creating the blue aurora? Many types
> of "cosmic" charged particles should do that.
> Russ should be doing everything he can to protect himself from potential
> ionizing radiation.  Including taking Melatonin, which is normally produced
> in the Pineal gland and can help protect one from the harmful effects.
> On Monday, October 15, 2012, Axil Axil wrote:
>> One interesting observation that has come out of Russ’s experimentation
>> so far is that a large high energy electron charge persists for a long time
>> after an initiating high powered instantaneous spark discharge occurs.
>> Russ has seen charge ionization last for a very long time.
>> The signs that this large high energy charge accumulation is occurring is
>> threefold as follows:
>> First, the green afterglow of a very low level of air contamination
>> persists for a number of frames as seen in Russ’s camera. This green oxygen
>> based aurora discharge is caused by ionization of very low pressure air
>> that Russ’s vacuum pump cannot completely remove.
>> Second, there exists a strong feedback current that is produced after the
>> piston jumps. This current flows back through Russ’s spark electrodes and
>> can jump an air gap to blow out his high current diodes.
>> Third, Russ says that he is able to fire a spark twice in a row due to
>> the residual ionization that remains in the cylinder, but he cannot fire
>> the spark continually since the ionization in the spark gap fades with time.
>> Russ said, “I just like how it lasts for a while.. That's the interesting
>> part. The reason I say that is If the gasses stay ionized for a period of
>> time. This means in an Engine application the high voltage may be able to
>> keep it going and I won't need a strong discharge to "kick start it"
>>  The reason I say this is I hit the button twice and it had a nice
>> discharge with less cap discharge power...”
>> In addition for those interested in LENR, since accumulation of high
>> energy long duration electric charge is an important causative theory in
>> LENR, this research into the mechanisms of the Papp engine may be
>> applicable in explaining LENR causation especially with regards to the
>> workings of the DGT spark initiation mechanism and the plasmatron..
>> A theory that might explain how this excess high energy electron charge
>> forms is as follows:
>> Plasma oscillations, also known as "Langmuir waves" (after Irving
>> Langmuir), are rapid oscillations of the electron density in conducting
>> media such as plasmas or metals.
>> The oscillations can be described as instability in the dielectric
>> function of a free electron gas. The frequency that the electron cloud
>> osculates at only depends weakly on the wavelength. The quasiparticle
>> resulting from the quantization of these oscillations is the plasmon.
>> Consider neutral plasma, consisting of a collection of an equal number of
>> positively charged ions and paired negatively charged electrons. If one
>> displaces by a tiny amount all of the electrons with respect to the ions,
>> the Coulomb force pulls back, acting as a restoring force.
>> Therefore, the Coulomb force sets up oscillating electron waves.
>> These electron waves will have a “plasma frequency” proportional to the
>> density of electrons per unit volume.
>> A dense cloud of electrons will oscillate strongly at a high plasma
>> frequency.
>> If the gas is dense and heavy, the free electrons will be some low
>> fraction of the neutral atoms present.
>> The intact electron shells of the neutral atoms will shield the electrons
>> from their associated ions, and the electrons will continue to be shielded
>> from their ions and be continually repelled off the neutral atoms.
>> The electron cloud oscillations will also repel the free atoms on the
>> surface of the piston head and cause it to move under electrostatic
>> pressure.
>> High gas pressure and/or the presence of heavy gas molecules (xenon,
>> neon, etc) will increase the force of the plasma oscillations which will
>> produce an increased electrostatic repulsive force.
>> In more detail, an atom with a large number of electrons in orbit around
>> its nucleus like xenon will strongly shield and repel a high energy free
>> electron increasing the plasma oscillation. Also, such heavy neutral
>> atoms/molecules/clusters will have a far longer repulsive Coulomb force
>> range than will lighter atoms.
>> Because of the Pauli Exclusion Principle as well as the Heisenberg
>> uncertainty principle , the individual electrons in the oscillating cloud
>> will become degenerate (high energy) becoming more and more energetic as
>> the cloud grows bigger. This will tend to keep the electrons from getting
>> back together with their associated ions because of a quantum orbital
>> energy mismatch. This keeps the cloud ionized indefinitely until the
>> stranded electron charge cloud can find a path to ground as a high energy
>> feedback current.
>> Getting this charge cloud out of the cylinder is important in setting up
>> the next spark discharge cycle by getting the gas back to a neutral charge
>> state.
>> On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 10:46 AM, ecat builder <>wrote:
>>> Hi Vortex,
>>> Some updates on Papp development.. Which most of you know is a noble gas
>>> that is charged (by RF/spark) and drives a piston with an unexplained (?)
>>> force. Harvesting the force and residual energy to produce overunity power
>>> remains to be seen.
>>> An open source Papp Engine based on Bob's design is being built by a 26
>>> yr old whiz named Russ.
>>> He has made great progress in just a few weeks-- a cylinder based on
>>> Bob's test unit, spark generator, gas system, and more.
>>> I'm sure he'll be looking for ideas on how to mix and test noble gas
>>> mixtures.
>>> Bob is chiming in with feedback, which is great to see. The forum is at
>>> 12 pages and is filled with interesting tidbits.
>>> Here is a (self-taught?) Dannel Roberts and his visit to Bob's shop.
>>> Rohner-Roberts Video (The Noble Gas 
>>> Engine)<>
>>> Starting at 22:40 is Robert's theory of how the Papp engine creates a
>>> bang...
>>> Chuck (a LENR replicator) received his Popper Kit from John. It contains
>>> 15 pages of design/build notes and has a signal generator to drive 2
>>> included spark coils. Popper control 
>>> demo<>
>>> Bob Rohner has also produced a few new movies, one warning of the
>>> potential dangers of building a popper.. another showing the system running
>>> without a coil, dispelling the thought that the coil could be the source of
>>> the force, showing that compressed air is not used.
>>> All very interesting, but a lot of power is going in (300 joules?) so a
>>> lot of work, luck, and miracles may still be needed.
>>> - Brad

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