Just finished reading Popular Science's November article on Rossi & the LENR
movement. Article by Steve Featherstone.


I was prepared to dislike the contents. However, I have to say that I
thought it was a pretty decent read. Reasonably informative, all considered.
Not surprisingly Rossi and his mysterious e-cats came across as highly
unreliable enigmas particularly since the Italian steadfastly refuses
independent validation. As Jed has sed numerous times, Rossi doesn't seem to
give a damn about how he is perceived within academia, the scientific
community, and by the general public. Rossi has sed all along that is
primary plan is to first commercialize his ecat technology first, and only
then let scientific validation follow. I gather most observers are beginning
to suspect Rossi is in real danger of having his thunder stolen right under
his feet as a result of his steadfast refusal to allow most kinds of outside
help. Perhaps there is a lesson in all of this, but who really knows.


I was delighted that Featherstone concluded his article with an interview
with Celani. The interviewer actually got to see some of Celani's work. It
was also emphasized that Celani will allow his work to be independently
replicated & validated. While Celani's meager little wire filaments in a
test tube appear far less impressive than Rossi's bulky tin-foiled eCats
most Vorts realize the fact that if independent validation is indeed
forthcoming (and that does appear to be happening as we speak), Rossi's
initial flamboyant splash into the public arena is likely to be relegated to
nothing more than a footnote of colorful LENR history.


Fair enuf!



Steven Vincent Johnson



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