In a set of slides prepared for NIWeek by John Hadjichristos of Defkalion
[1], slide 15 talks about the role of hydrogen in LENR.  It suggests that
hydrogen is excited into a (non-ionized) Rydberg state. In Rydberg
hydrogen, the electron is excited above ground, and I believe such states
are metastable.  Slide 15 explains that Rydberg hydrogen
becomes elliptic and hence a dipole, which can then be guided (no doubt by
way of an external field of some kind).

I came across an interesting paper that provides visualizations of Rydberg
states in hydrogen-like wavefunctions [2]. I think the authors are just
using general language, and everything they talk about applies to hydrogen,
specifically, in addition to other species.  Pages 9, 11, 15, 17 and 20
have some 2-D and 3-D visualizations of the electron orbital at higher
energies, deformed under both electrostatic and magnetic fields.  Some of
the trajectories look a little like trilobites.  On page 17, there is what
appears to be an unshielded proton surrounded by
an elliptic electron orbital.



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