What I really mean is that he ends up adding confusion to the mess. If not
even WL, the authors, can answer Abd's objections, what's to say about

2012/10/23 Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>

> Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com> wrote, regarding this:
> http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2012-10/andrea-rossis-black-box#comment-147925
> [Krivit] should get some physics education or just quit babbling about
>> something he doesn't understand, damn!
> Yeah. Well he is not babbling about physics much in this instance, but he
> often does, and he cites himself as a Distinguished Expert, and in this
> case he publishes an e-mail from Featherstone to himself . . . all of which
> is bad form.
> As the British say, it is *not on*. (They used to say that.) Meaning it
> isn't done in polite society.
> - Jed

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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