Lets forget the White Demo Rats for now, and concentrate more on a somewhat 
evil menacing horrrific looking species of parasitic cockroach. It's 
(im)proper scientifically  called  "Africahoonus Amoongus" or more simply A 
Fricken American Hating Thugly Ugly Mugly Cruddy Scuzzy Slug Bug. Currently, 
little is actually known about it, but seems to have one purpose, which is 
to extract as much as possible out of it's victims, and/or the human 
                                                               This creepy 
crawly parasitic menace tends to be highly destructive, and also seems to 
have the ability to inflict it's victims with an overwhelming feeling of 
guilt.  It would appear as tho this all-knowing high & mighty King Cockroach is 
ordained or blessed with the power to decide whether or not human beings have 
contributed enough of their vital fluids or livelyhood to the 
infested-nation now taking place.                                               
                                               Be warned, if you have been 
fortunate enough not to have set eyes upon this ghastly hideous grotesque 
rather clammy cold disease spreading creature, you'll need to be  prepared. It 
will likely send chills down your spine, and may even make you convulse (as 
oppose to converse) and/or until you choke & vomit. The first time I 
inadvertently saw this irreprehensible looking over-grown parasitic insect, I 
wanted to take smash the TV set w/ a baseball batt, but then I realized that 
that is exactly what this dark multi-limbed invader wants.                      
                                                          Also, you should 
be aware that The Whitey House has been infested with a army of 
sub-cockroaches, who're under the spell of the King Cockroach, which goes by 
the name of 
BO or the Preeeez.... yeeeea, daaas ihhh suckah!.   Now, BO duh Preeez, 
gives off a very distinky odor, which really shouldn't be confused with too 
many of the other shadowy dark creatures, which may resemble it. The burnt 
black color (for me) tends to make me think of what a typical poor excuse of a 
human being might look after an unclear holocause.                            
                                      Well, thats all for now, maybe we'll 
talk again after the E-L-E-C-T-I-O-N, that enables  a Truly Respectable & 
Free American Human Being to be voted in, as opposed to a low life punk a$$ 
overgrown honky dinkey donkey monkey w/ a thugly nose & flaring nostrils & 
phony attitude w/ dog-eaten purple lips of a two-bit "Illegal" Alien that only 
aspires to remain in-power as the Country's Ruling Dictator.           Thank 
you.  Respectfully,  Loren. </HTML>

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