Ok, I exaggerate, it is a litte a strawman rhetoric... sorry.

I'm inspired by less subtiles fearmonger on any subject that reach the
media and even the politicians...

managing risk is ok, but we should not forget the gain, to avoid the
people forget a little that today situation is not so nice, that some
people dies of lack of many things, and much more than of pollution, of
catastrophe, of technological accident...

fighting drawback , pollution, risk, is mostly no-regret, but today there
is a tendency to avoid any progress because of unvalidated fears...
protection principle is good, watring principle too, precaution no.

a better approache, beside avoiding know risk, and solving know problems,
is to learn so you can react to the unexpected, instead of trying to
anticipate all... which does not work...

On some place I've heard that LENr could destroy the atmosphere by
destroying oxygen...
fear of robots invasion too is crazy, while I feel more rational to observe
adults and kids, and see how dependent we are, and how it change our
approach to problem solving, making us powerful but also weak... mobile
phone don't kill by wave, but by stealing our brain on the road... We have
enoug real risk and proble, not to prepare for all.

LENR like gas might be dangerous (because of hydrogen, of heat, of steam)...
It remind me a nuclear waste storage where they focus so strongly on
radiation, than they forget that some chemicals were simply toxic, even
dead cold.

In Grenoble zone I've discussed with local safety expert, and she said me
that old factories were nearly ignored by safety, while new one where over
regulated, and nuke above all...

today risk management seems crazy, and focused on the fear of new things,
of technology, and not on old or natural things.

LENR I agree, will probably cause strange effects... some good, some bad,
many funny or crazy... let us prepare to adapt, we are programmed to.

sorry for that bad mood, I'm a bit fed up by our state of permanent fear...

2012/11/27 Mark Gibbs <mgi...@gibbs.com>

> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 5:57 AM, Alain Sepeda <alain.sep...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>  the gibbs like "it might be wrongly done or use, so just don't do it"
> You should read what I write more carefully: I didn't say CF/LENR
> shouldn't be used but that possible unintended consequences should be
> considered.
> [mg]

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