The results from the latest test run of the MFMP Celani replication are 
definitely interesting, but there appear to be some strange things happening.  
I assume that the power being inputted to the device has an equal effect upon 
the outer glass temperature regardless of the drive wire.  I am not sure there 
has been a good argument as to why this is not true.

If my assumption is correct, then there appears to be an endothermic event when 
the power was first shifted from inactive to active.  This lasted for around 
3000 seconds until the power began to rise.  The small excess output power 
lasted for about 1500 seconds.  The excess power was very small during this 
first rise.  After the rise, an exponential decay occurred that dropped the 
output into the endothermic region for a period of approximately 2000 seconds. 
I would estimate that a significantly larger amount of energy was absorbed 
during this event than released by the positive pulse.  Next a second positive 
excess region occurred that was larger than the first and lasted for about 1000 
seconds.   This period was also followed by a negative excess power pulse that 
exceeded the area of the positive one.  The pattern seems to be following the 
same process into the future.

Why do we see a breathing type of effect?  It looks very much like energy is 
stored and then released, but only a good calibration could verify this is 
happening.  I am not aware of any process that would allow energy to be stored 
during a relatively long period of time and then released for a similar period.

This is going to be an interesting behavior to analyze.  I hope that the end 
result is that there is additional energy being generated by LENR, but it is 
not entirely evident at the moment.  I speculate that the only way that extra 
energy is being generated is if the true calibration is different depending 
upon which wire is driven.  And only then if drive to the active wire does not 
lead to endothermic behavior.


-----Original Message-----
From: Arnaud Kodeck <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Wed, Dec 12, 2012 4:57 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Direct heating of Celani's wire at EU cell of MFMP

Akira said :
> I think it's safe to say that the MFMP finally successfully replicated
> Celani's anomalous thermal effect from his treated Constantan wires. The
> next step is now to determine whether that is a real effect or it's all
> due to a really unexpected artifact lurking somewhere.

I would be a little more conservative. The excess power must be kept for
more than an hour or two, to at least remove any chemical reaction that may

As shown now, the excess power has decreased just above 4W. That excess heat
might not stay long. Cross finger that it will happen.


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