It is interesting to see where new ideas come from and why. 

I looked at cold fusion and gravitomangetic experiments and multiplied 
frequency times domain length and got a velocity of 1,000,000 meters per 
second.  Why did I do that and why did I suspect it was important?  Many, 
including our Jones Bennie, thought I had went down the wrong path.  I don't 
know, I just liked it.

I was working on this re-factoring a Coulomb's equation for some time and with 
some mumbo jumbo and this observed speed produced the energy levels of the 
hydrogen atom.  There I was stuck for years until I read "What is Quantum 
Mechanics". I then believed that I had discovered the velocity of the 
transitional quantum state.

My arguments were circular and I had to insert the energy levels of the atoms 
to get the atomic speeds.  There seemed to be no way out.  Did this have 
something to do with the rate of expansion of the universe?  No that did not 
work out.  That's were my paper at IE was at.

While talking to the Alien Scientist and led on by his probing questions;  I 
realized that the transitional velocity was also the speed of sound in the 

Yes good, however  there was this factor of 2 problem.  The ground state 
velocity of the hydrogen atom was twice this speed.

Then I watched Prof.  Walter Lewin dancing around on his table.  I had seen the 
equations before in physics class but he brought them to life.  Yes the re 
factoring of Coulomb's equation had produced a wave number and an elastic 
constant.  Using these parameters sometimes as a product with a standing wave 
and with a minus sign as a traveling wave; out came the factor of 2.  Now I 
produced the displacements of the stationary quantum states and the velocities 
traveling orbiting electron.  I believed that I have produced the velocity of 
the stationary quantum states as a condition of the transitional quantum state. 
 I stuck with that for 2 years.

Then it hit like it should have 3 years ago.  I had produced the energy levels 
and the speeds of all of the atomic states.  I did not need to introduce a 
transitional quantum state.  I just needed to say here is the wave number and 
elastic constant of the electron.  Set the speed of sound in the nucleus to the 
speed of light in the electric structure and all of the quantum condition jumps 
out.  Yes, by the way, the matching in speeds matches the characteristic 
impedance of the system and the prompt transfer of energy emits only one 
photon.  Its like one billiard ball directly hitting another. 

The answer was simple.  The math is simple and classical.  Why did it take so 
long?  Why had no one else did this over the last 200 years. Surely they were 
smarter than I.  Where did these new ideas come from?  Would a super smart 
computer ever put this together? 

Maybe I am just wrong?  Perhaps it was just another typo.

Frank Z

-----Original Message-----
From: fznidarsic <>
To: fznidarsic <>
Sent: Sun, Dec 23, 2012 7:59 pm
Subject: [Vo]:On Topics - Hydrogen

He is the link to them all.  Sorry.,%20Znidarsic%20(new)

Frank Znidarsic




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