On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 8:55 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
<a...@lomaxdesign.com> wrote:
> At 03:45 PM 12/22/2012, Harry Veeder wrote:
>> yeah your right, a leash works on beings with feelings...this thing
>> doesn't feel.
> It could easily be made to feel a leash. But you also want autonomy. I.e.,
> the leader, even if using a leash, which would be connected to a sensor that
> detect the leash pulling and how it pulls, can't be involved with every
> footstep.

By feelings, I mean it doesn't experience emotions or desires that
might cause it to wander. Over the centuries a leash has proven
an effective means of directing an animal's spirit.

If a robot fails to perform according to plan, the designers and/or
user must locate the cause of failure in their own ignorance.
They can never claim a failure is consequence of the robot having
diverging plans from their own.


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