My theory predicts that many rainbows create their own clouds and
thunderstorms through atmospheric collapse and condensing in their vicinity
and the energetic particle orbiting through the elliptical arc of the
rainbow can weigh millions of tons (if you could weigh it).  The rainbow
itself is the refraction of light through the frozen ice crystals created
by the massive orbiting entropic particle.  It is the missing 95% dark
energy of the universe.

Take a look at the photos on my site and tell me those rainbows are not
creating the clouds:

How is that for a brain warp.



On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 7:43 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Martin Fleischmann expressed a view that you might say is the opposite of
> this. He said "when you find an anomaly, it is the easiest thing in the
> world to convince yourself it isn't real." Your first instinct is to
> dismiss it. I think he meant that was the first instinct of a trained
> scientist such as himself. Other people may go too far the other direction.
> - Jed

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