These "Laws" do not make sense. I have no idea what they mean. A law must be clearly stated and consistent with what is known. It must also clearly limit what is possible. The "laws" stated by Kozima are so general they have no special application. This kind of sloppy thinking and description invites confusion.

A suitable law is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This can be clearly stated and imposes a clear limit on how energy can flow or be accumulated in a chemical system. Another example, the Law of Conservation of Momentum clearly describes how energy can be released from reaction of any kind. These laws severely limit the kind of mechanism causing LENR. The Kozima laws do not do this.

On Feb 19, 2013, at 3:04 PM, Alain Sepeda wrote:

Dear Mr Storms,

Does Kozima laws inspire you something?

(I've naively commented )
kozima article (extended version)

do you identify interesting points, and weakess ?

the approach seems similar to what you propose...

There have been discovered three empirical laws in the CFP;
(1) The First Law: the stability effect for nuclear transmutation products, (2) the Second Law; the inverse power dependence of the frequency on the intensity of the excess heat production, and (3) the Third Law: bifurcation of the intensity of events (neutron emission and excess heat production) in time. There are two corollaries of the first law: Corollary 1-1: Production of a nuclide A’Z+1X’ from a nuclide AZX in the system.
Corollary 1-2: Decay time shortening of unstable nuclei in the system.
These laws and the necessary conditions for the CFP tell us that the cold fusion phenomenon is a phenomenon belonging to complexity induced by nonlinear interactions between agents in the open and nonequilibrium CF systems as far as we assume a common cause for various events in the CFP, i.e. excess heat production, neutron emission, and nuclear transmutation. The characteristics of the CF materials for the CFP are investigated using our knowledge of the microscopic structure of the CF materials consulting to the complexity in relation to the three laws explained above. A computer simulation is proposed to reproduce an essential feature of the CFP using a simplified model system (a super-lattice) composed of two interlaced sublattices; one sublattice of host nuclei with extended neutron wavefunctions and another of proton/ deuterons with non-localized wavefunctions.

2013/2/19 Edmund Storms <>

On Feb 19, 2013, at 2:08 PM, Edmund Storms wrote:

A search for an explanation of LENR can take one of three basic paths. People can nit-pick about the mechanism, they can suggest any idea that comes to mind regardless of justification, or they can look for the overall patterns that must be explained. I'm trying to do the latter. As is the case with any complex process, logic demands that the various parts have a definite relationship to each other. For example, to make an automobile function, a power source has to be coupled to a gear box through a mechanism that isolates the engine from the wheels. The exact design is not important at this level of understanding. However, to simplify the description, general features of each part are frequently described. At this stage in the process of understanding, it is pointless to argue whether the engine is 4 or 6 cylinders or about the color of the car.

I'm trying to describe the general features of LENR and show their required logical relationship based on the general behavior. This behavior has several basic features as follows:

1. He4 is made without energetic particle or photon emission using D.
2. Tritium is made without energetic particle or neutron emission using D and H. 3. The process is very sensitive to the nature of the material in which it occurs.
4. The process works using any isotope of hydrogen.

Many details add support and can be used to evaluate suggested mechanisms, but are not required to define the basic process. In addition, this process of evaluation requires a basic knowledge of science and agreement that the LENR process must follow known rules of behavior in chemical systems. Unfortunately, ignorance of these conventional rules seems to be so common that this discussion keeps being deflected from a useful path. Can we at least agree about the basic behavior that needs to be explained and the basic rules that need to be obeyed? Perhaps other people would be willing to suggest the rules they think are important - or no rules if they think LENR occurs outside of normal scientific understanding.

Once a logical connection is proposed, this connection does not allow the parts to be change arbitrarily. For example, individual parts of the models proposed by Takahashi, Kim, or Hagelstein cannot be modified without producing conflicts in the logical structure. In other words, all parts have to be accepted in each model if the basic model is to be accepted. A person is not free to pick the part they like and reject the rest. The Takahashi model requires a cluster of 4 deuterons to form and fuse to make Be8, the Kin model requires a BEC to form that can lower the barrier and dissipate nuclear energy as many scattered deuterons, the Hagelstein model requires metal atom vacancies be present and be filled with deuterons that can vibrate and lose their energy as phonons. In this same way, my theory requires gaps be present that are filled with a resonating structure that dissipates energy as photons. All of the models, many of which I have not used as examples, contain essential assumptions, many of which conflict with normal expectations. The only question needing answer is, Which theory is more likely to correctly describe LENR and which, based on its internal logic, explains the greatest number observations and can make the most useful predictions. Can we answer this question without using nit picking?


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