? ATOMIC COLLAPSE or 'looking down the throat of the 'axial jet event-horizon' 
TORUS EVENT HORIZON at  the PROTON gray-hole balanced status singularity.
OR: What is being observed is electro-valent (lobular)-valent flow at it's 
TORUS field event horizon 'collapsing'
down the axial 'throat' to the Proton-gray singularity & axially 'jetting' 
back-up/ out.
BY THE WAY: Graphene is the perfect 'skin' material for the craft sporting a 
gyro-toroidal plasma-breach reactor.  Graphene's
facility at carrying-conducting the gyro-toroidal ingress AexoPlasma field is 
perfect for that function,
Thus the Graphene 'skin' becomes the conductant-defacto CASIMIR 
'quasi-electro-valent-shell' about
the craft's quasi-M'acro-Proton-like' gyro-toroidal Einstein-Rosen 
plasma-breach maintaining within the
craft  PASSENGER TEMPORAL HOME DIMENSION(space-time normal) more-or-less 
'normal' integrity. . .  

Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 14:10:36 -0500
Subject: [Vo]: Atomic Collapse observed
From: rj.bob.higg...@gmail.com
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com

Predicted "Atomic Collapse" phenomenon observed: 


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