Rossi talks about charge. The activator could be a charge amplifier.

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 12:27 PM, a.ashfield <> wrote:

> e-catworld has this update.
> UPDATE: Rossi reports that one of the testers told him: ” ” What we have
> seen is too important, must absolutely be published”. Also, in reference to
> the new design of the hot cat, he states: “Basically, we have no more a
> reactor or a cluster of reactors, but each reactor is coupled with an
> activator: let’s make this model: the activator is the Mouse, which makes
> the Cat run. The Mouse has his own COP which is more than 1, the Cat is a
> surprise.”
> I speculate the CAT is heated by the "activator" and so possibly doesn't
> require further heat input.

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