In reply to  Harry Veeder's message of Fri, 29 Mar 2013 17:38:47 -0400:
>> Sorry Harry, I don't think so. In fact probably the reverse. The h_bar
>> arises
>> because that's the angular momentum of a photon. Natural constant.
>> Consequence
>> of the makeup of the fabric of space-time (IMO).
>> Any "jiggling" that occurs based on the motion of the nucleus might
>> however help
>> in making "forbidden" transitions somewhat possible.
>Ok, but earlier you said Maxwellian EM dynamics leaves out hbar. When I
>heard this I thought you were claiming that it is possible to derive the
>existence of hbar by way of a mathematical argument, just as Einstein
>derived the relation E=mc^2. However, h is a condition imposed on the
>equations of Maxwell's EM dynamics to make them consistent with
>observations. Just as photons have angular momentum so do Mawellian EM
>waves, but the latter does not have to be quantized.

I think Plank's constant needs to be worked into the equations somewhere, since
they deal with EM fields, and Plank's constant is an implicit property of such
fields IMO.

If this were done, then I think it would become obvious why the Hydrogen "ground
state" doesn't radiate.


Robin van Spaandonk

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